Home Remedies

Home Remedies – A Few Cautions

The ultimate quest of Naturopathic Doctors in Des Moines Iowa is to cure or lessen the symptoms of an illness or...

Remedies for the “Common” Cold

Nothing is more annoying and weakening to your body than the onset of a common cold. It can begin with a sore throat,...

Benefits That Green Tea Has on Your Health

 If you’re a tea drinker in Des Moines Iowa, you may have come across many different flavors of tea lining the aisles of...

Herbal Remedies

Herbal Remedies to Increase Fertility

It is well known that fertility drugs will cause undesired side effects in women seeking pregnancy. A better route to...

Herbal Remedies for Some Common Everyday Ailments

Some of us suffer from common, everyday ailments that can be treated effectively by herbal remedies rather than an expensive...

Herbal Remedies Used to Help ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder usually caused by vaccines that affects both children and...

DMSO – The Real Miracle Solution

In 1866, Russian scientist Alexander Saytzeff isolated a most curious and peculiar chemical compound. It was crystalline, odor-less, non-toxic and had a garlic-like taste when consumed. At the time, Saytzeff had no way to predict that his discovery was going to prove highly controversial throughout its entire medical history, that it was going to be […]

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The Only Safe Way To Cook With A Microwave

By now, in Iowa everyone knows that using a microwave oven to cook food is not healthy. It’s a fact that not only does microwaving your food alter the integrity of food by changing its molecular structure but it also releases toxins in to your food from the microwave cooking container. At the very least you […]

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Think You Are Eating Raw Cashews? Think Again

I know you see them in the stores labeled as “Raw Cashews”. But are they really raw? Most likely, no. First of all we must define the word “raw”. Raw simply means that the product has not been heated, blanched, roasted, cooked or had its enzymes denatured in any way. I hate to break it […]

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How Well Do Magnets Alleviate Pain?

How Well Does Magnet Therapy Work for Pain? Many civilizations throughout the years have used the power found within magnets to alleviate pain. During ancient times magnets were thought to drive diseases from the body. Sounds like they were on to something! Now, magnets are used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and some are implanted […]

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Rid Yourself Of Tennis Elbow Pain (like I did)

The pain of tennis elbow can be a serious hinderance to your activities of daily living. Ever try to pick up a coffee pot, or some such object, and you had to put it down because the pain in your arm was so intense? I remember attempting to answer a phone that was ringing. I […]

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