Naturopathic Ways to Give First Aid to Your Skin

The skin is an organ – the largest one in your body. It’s always renewing and repairing itself by sloughing off dead cells. These dead cells must be removed before they increase and prevent the skin from breathing and eliminating toxic waste.

Oily skin can produce acne, especially in adolescence, while dry skin occurs as we age. But if you understand the skin and take care of it, there’s no reason that you can’t look gorgeous all your life.

Problems with facial skin is the number one complaint, and what to do about dry skin or wrinkles caused from aging is the priority for most people. After all, your face, more than any other part of your body is exposed to the elements that eventually affect it.

Naturopathic remedies are much less expensive than those you can buy from a department store’s cosmetic counter, and they don’t contain harmful chemicals and additives. Here are some popular Naturopathic remedies for common skin ailments:

Dry, Chapped Skin – Saline baths (six pounds of table or rock salt added to warm bath water) can relieve dry, itchy skin. Soak for about 20 minutes and then massage almond oil or cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil into your skin.

Home humidifiers are excellent to reduce the moisture loss, especially if your home has central heat. 

Getting enough sleep is imperative for the skin to repair cells.

Rather than soap, cleanse your skin with a mixture of flour and cream.

Use virgin coconut oil or butter for the best natural moisturizer.

If you’re sunburned and peeling, slice an Aloe Vera leaf and rub the gel onto your skin.

Wrinkles – Contrary to popoular belief prolonged exposure to the sun does not cause wrinkles. If you are out in the sun and fear being burned, simply cover up or use an umbrella. NEVER use a commercially made sunscreen. The very products that are supposed to be protecting you from the sun actually contribute to skin cancer!

 Drink green tea. It’s rich in antioxidants, which can prevent wrinkles.

Use evening primrose oil supplements to strengthen skin cells and increase moisture.

Use a mask of one egg white and one ground almond. Apply to the face until dry and then remove gently with water.

Dab egg whites under your eyes to prevent wrinkles and make them less noticeable. Castor oil (odor free) applied under the eyes and on your throat is a great moisturizer.

Diet, exercise and drinking plenty of filtered water are the best ways to maintain a beautiful and radiant skin. The outside of your body will always reflect what’s going on inside.


Live Like You Love Life

Dr Rosendahl ND

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